
Thailand Hill Tribes Testimonials

The work was not as meaningful as in years past, but we had record flooding and rain. It canceled several projects. Still, we worked hard enough each day and there is something new every time I...

Costa Rica Sea Turtle Testimonials

I volunteered before with Globe Aware and enjoyed it. This was a tough environment but for a worthy cause, saving turtle nests in Costa Rica. I liked patrolling the beaches for turtles the best! -...

Guatemala Testimonials

The work project was meaningful because we were helping families and groups/communities we met. I think it's because we met the people we were helping. That is key. Anne does an amazing job with...

Philippines Testimonials

“My experience volunteering in the Philippines was amazingly meaningful. I am grateful to the Filipino people for being so warm and welcoming. I felt a deep sense of belonging while I was in the...

Philippines Testimonials

“This trip has been my favorite charity trip I’ve been on. We got to make an impact on this small community and build a home for a family in need. Delivering food to people who could not afford it...

Costa Rica Orosi Testimonials

“I know we really helped this family. In addition, we worked on a community project as well. I liked the location, the people, Federico, and the work. We so love our experiences with Globe Aware....

Costa Rica Orosi Testimonials

“I was very lucky to have a great group of women working with me. You will be working on tasks you don't know how to do yet, but you pick things up very quickly. I can now say I can use a sander,...

Costa Rica Orosi Testimonials

“Costa Rica Orosi ValleyThe project at the community center and church was meaningful to the community, and therefore it was meaningful to us - we appreciated the opportunity to contribute to the...

Costa Rica Orosi Testimonials

“I really enjoyed helping out a local family and also worked on a project to sand and paint benches for the community center. I felt like these projects were meaningful and helpful to the community....

Cuba Testimonials

I felt the work project was meaningful. Just to spend time with the abuelas was what the director indicated was needed. I also learned to play Cuban dominoes and was a teammate to the house...

Cuba Testimonials

"A well-planned itinerary volunteering a few hours in the morning when the sun was not so hot & humid and the activities in the afternoon. I appreciated starting the projects on a Monday so I can...

Cuba Testimonials

Our trip to Cuba was great. We learned a lot about Cuban culture and had to time to understand the struggles that they face. The projects were very well selected and we felt like it was a good use...

Cuba Testimonials

The coordinator's attention was beyond extraordinary. While there were some cultural differences, it was clear that he felt responsible for me in a very supportive way. His attention to detail meant...

Costa Rica Orosi Testimonials

“This was my 5th time volunteering with Globe Aware (Cuba, Cambodia, Vietnam, the Philippines, and now Costa Rica). Federico was our Costa Rica coordinator and he was EXCELLENT. He was very friendly...

South Africa Testimonials

“The balance was perfect, got to do a lot of activities and exploration while also spending a lot of time doing the service project. Got to feed people and help build a house for a family in need.”...

Family Trip Testimonials

While the goal of a family international volunteer trip is to work hard and bless others, we still find some time for fun! We have had some amazing experiences during our family international...

Costa Rica Orosi Testimonials

Without Globe Aware, we would never have visited Orosi Valley and had this experience. This is such an exclusive experience but also so rewarding at the same time. The balance was perfect. The first...

Romania Testimonials

I was lucky enough to participate with two friends - a professor and special ed teacher. Their insight into why social interactions, singing, etc was so meaningful was educational for me. Plus I...

Vietnam testimonials

I could definitely feel the heartfelt gratitude toward us from those we were serving. I think the things we constructed will last for years to come and make a big difference in their lives. We had...

Vietnam testimonials

It was great to volunteer at a couple of schools and on a farm. I also got to see where my donation went in terms of items purchased for the schools and people. There was plenty of food, and I...

Puerto Rico Testimonials

The work project was meaningful because we were helping give a family their life back. I thought the balance between work and leisure to be well balanced, the food was amazing and very plentiful - I...

Guatemala Testimonials

The work project was meaningful, the young family that we installed the cement floor for were very grateful and needed the new floor, especially with a very young child in the house. It was also...

Costa Rica Orosi Testimonials

Alex, Everything went really well! Federico and I had no issues meeting up at the airport, and from there everything was great. He was a blast to spend time with, and helped provide a lot of...

Costa Rica Orosi Testimonials

“We had a wonderful experience and are so grateful that we were able to go on this trip as a family and with our friends. Many companies discouraged us from bringing young children along on a...

Guatemala Testimonials

I am SO sorry that it’s taken us so long to give you our feedback on the trip. We had the most amazing time - and it felt like Anne was very intentional and thoughtful about ensuring that the...

Guatemala Testimonials

The program exceeded my expectations in every way. The cement work was exhausting but gratifying and teaching English at the library was a pleasure (I am a retired teacher). Working on the...

Costa Rica Orosi Testimonials

Dear Staff at Globe Aware, I wrote a long thank you to Frederico for our wonderful trip to the Orosi Valley last Dec., '15 when we painted their church for Christmas, but I don't think he received...

Costa Rica Orosi Testimonials

The local people were so appreciative and welcoming. There was plenty of free time to unwind. The food was great and they even made vegetarian meals for my daughter. It was amazing to see another...

India Testimonials

"Globe Aware packed in too many after-hour activities for an older couple like us (59 & 61 years old). No problem. On two of the evenings, we did a little sightseeing on our own and retired early. I...

Costa Rica Orosi Testimonials

New testimonial: Having just returned from our service trip to Orosi Valley I wanted to reach out and thank your organization for putting on a first class trip. It was truly an enlightening...

India Testimonials

Globe Aware packed in too many after-hour activities for an older couple like us (59 & 61 years old). No problem. On two of the evenings, we did a little sightseeing on our own and retired early. I...

Costa Rica Orosi Testimonials

I felt like our group had a positive impact on the community and was able to learn about Costa Rican culture. The food was outstanding and was very accommodating to our groups dietary needs. -...

Costa Rica Orosi Testimonials

Federico was super accommodating and tried to respond to every request that someone in our group made -- whether it was about food, free time or something else. From my perspective, everything went...

Guatemala Testimonials

This program was a really good mix of volunteer work, cultural excursions, and "downtime". What I particularly liked about this program was the opportunity for meaningul interaction with individuals...

Guatemala Testimonials

We felt we made an impact on the people there in the right way. We contributed to the local economy and ensured people were working to earn the money from our program fees. I think it's much better...

Costa Rica Orosi Testimonials

The project was something that the community needed to be done and it was fun to do it. We enjoyed the kids in the school who were eager to learn and show us their culture! What we liked best was...

Costa Rica Orosi Testimonials

Seeing the homeowner so happy with what was being done, and how active and interested the community is in the project really showed us how meaningful our work was. It was good to see how happy and...

Guatemala Testimonials

A good mix of work and free time. You can stay busy pretty much all day with the optional free time activities. I have spent quite a bit of time in places like this before, but it was really great...

Costa Rica Orosi Testimonials

I believe our group's work project was indeed meaningful. The direct interaction with the locals on a daily basis helped establish smooth interpersonal relationships and gave me a positive...

Thailand Testimonials

Do you feel your work project was meaningful? Yes, Why or why not? For many reasons.. Sustaining the program for the longevity of the Project and elephants involved. Showing the existing mahouts...

Costa Rica Orosi Testimonials

The accommodations were much better than the literature led us to believe. Wonderful time. Federico is the best. Lovely people and community. Always a gift to step outside our "rat race" and see a...

Guatemala Testimonials

"This program was a really good mix of volunteer work, cultural excursions, and "downtime". What I particularly liked about this program was the opportunity for meaningul interaction with...

Costa Rica Orosi Testimonials

Amazing to see another culture and how they live. My children were amazed at how small houses were but everyone seemed happy. More is not always better. We were able to communicate even though there...

Peru Cuzco Testimonials

Yes, we felt our work project was very meaningful. Both because we as a family got to help to improve the grounds of the orphanage by cleaning out the gardens and building fences as well as teaching...

Costa Rica Orosi Testimonials

This trip once again reinforced how incredibly fortunate we are to have the things we have in the US. Everywhere else people make do and live with so much less. It's humbling. Federico made the...

Guatemala Testimonials

Day 1 So the main reason we are here is to learn about and immerse ourselves in the community and culture of the people of El Remate, Guatemala, about 25 miles SW of the ancient ruins of Tikal. The...

Costa Rica Orosi Testimonials

I felt the work project was meaningful because it meant so much to the people of Orosi Valley. They were so appreciative of the work that we accomplished. Food was over and above what I expected on...

Costa Rica Orosi Testimonials

We learned a new skill (stripping paint & sanding). It was a great project. Federico made sure we saw a lot of the countryside & the culture - whether we were touring a coffee farm, local church,...

Costa Rica Orosi Testimonials

My volunteer project was to help out at the . And the woman who maintains the center was extremely thankful for our help. The food was delicious. The woman who cooked most of my meals was named...

Costa Rica Rainforest Testimonials

I feel so fortunate to have come into contact with Globe Aware and El Sur. I had the most wonderful trip, this was definitely one of the best experiences I've had in El Sur (which is difficult to...

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