• Source: Travel + Leisure

With Father's Day on the horizon, let's celebrate our adventure-loving dads with their best travel suggestions! Globe Aware volunteers, do you or any of your dad's follow these tips?

Father's Day: Take Note Of These Best Dad Travel Suggestions!

06 Jun 2023
Travel and Leisure Asia | India

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Travel Tips

Father's Day: Take Note Of These Best Dad Travel Suggestions!

Remember the time when your dad told you about his first bike trip or how a long-cut became a shortcut when he forged his own path? On this Father's Day, let's revisit some of the best dad travel suggestions.

With Father's Day on the horizon, let's celebrate our adventure-loving dads with their best travel suggestions!

Suggestions that all fathers give before the beginning of a trip

Prepare for your flight the night before

Check and re-check all your essentials the night before you travel. Make sure you have the necessary documents, including your passport or other photo ID proofs, money and medicines (if you take any). Your luggage should be packed and locked in place. Don't forget to pack your phone charger, camera, international travel plug, and other important travel items.

Reach the airport ahead of time

Arrive well in advance, especially now when there are extra procedures to follow. Arriving on time is important no matter how boring airports may seem; missed flights are even worse! So, following this every time you catch a flight will save you from panicking or flustering in case anything goes wrong en route. No wonder, then, dads entrust punctuality more than navigation apps!

You are at the airport. Now what?

Fatherly wisdom dictates always checking the luggage allowance before you fly and again when you arrive at the airport. Double-check everything, just in case. Also, pack your electronics in your carry-on bag to get through airport security faster. Take your dad's travel advice, and mark your luggage so that you don't end up at baggage reclaim-even by accident!

Back up everything

Some people might laugh it off but keeping spare passport photos will save you a lot of hassle. So, follow your dad's travel advice and create backups of your passport, hotel accommodation, driver's license, other photo IDs, visa, travel insurance and other important documents on your phone. Be old school and take printed copies as well, and leave some behind with family members or friends.

Don't swear by your travel guidebook

You don't need to live by the travel guidebook and do extensive research on the internet or keep your eyes glued to your phone navigation while exploring a destination. Instead, go with the flow and be open-minded. Do your research well enough to relax and not go overboard with information.

Save money with car rental

Travel like your dad by renting a car and take in more sights while cruising through a place. Don't forget to check your fuel tank before you embark on that long exploratory road trip. And stop only where necessary; you've got to save time and be efficient.

Carry extra cash and stash it away

Father's Day 2021

That cash should be stashed away in your sock or zipped up in a hidden pocket of your carry-on bag. Also, locker or no locker, never leave money or your passport in the hotel room.

Be an early bird

An early bird gets the worm-most fathers swear by this. It is the best way to avoid heavy crowds and explore beautiful locations at their busiest least. Plus, you get the best photos!

Watch out for scammers

Keep your head high while walking like you know where you are going. Pickpocketing is common at many tourist destinations, and it's important to not be an easy target. One of the best travel advice by dads is to keep everything important in your travel carry-on, but don't put anything in your back pocket!

Track your spendings

Take lessons from your dad and track your spendings. You'll be able to budget better and treat yourself at the end of the trip.

Be spontaneous

Dads often like to let loose and live in the moment while exploring off-the-beaten trails. Enjoy being spontaneous for a day.

Freebies are the best

Take those mini shampoos and store them in your daypack. No point in wasting those complimentary snacks from the hotel or airport meals. Take your dad's travel advice and embrace these freebies.

Stay in touch

If you're travelling alone or even with friends, make sure to keep your family back home informed about your whereabouts. Also, make sure to charge your devices before heading out.

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